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Viet Nam Fatherland Front
Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam
Last modified: 2018-04-14 by randy young
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After the First Indochina War, the Hội Liên hiệp Quốc dân Việt Nam, commonly known as Liên Việt (English: Vietnamese National Popular League), founded on 29 May 1946, merged with the Việt Minh to form the Mặt trận Liên Việt (English: Lien Viet Front) on 3 March 1951. After 1955, the Lien Viet Front declared its mission accomplished and dissolved itself. On 10 September 1955, a successor organization was established, the Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam Fatherland Front) which still exists today.
"(The) Mặt Trận Tổ Quốc (Việt Nam), MTTQ(VN) (English: (Viet Nam) Fatherland Front) is an umbrella group of mass movements in Viet Nam aligned with the Communist Party of Vietnam forming the bulk of the (virtually) one-party system of current Vietnamese government. In its current form, it was founded on 4 February 1977 by the merger of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front of North Vietnam and two Việt Cộng groups: Alliance of National Democratic and Peaceful Forces of Viet Nam and the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (to counter the accusation that North Vietnam was violating the Geneva Accord), the independence of the Việt Cộng was stressed in communist propaganda. The Việt Cộng created the Mặt trận dân tộc Giải phóng Miền Nam Việt Nam (English: National Liberation Front of South Vietnam, also known as National Front for the Liberation of South Viet Nam, abbreviated as National Liberation Front) in December 1960 at Tân Lập village in Tây Ninh as a Mặt trận dân tộc (English: "United Front") or political branch intended to encourage the participation of non-communists ("Alliance of National Democratic and Peaceful Forces of Vietnam", ANDPFVN) is an organization formed after the Tet offensive on 20 April 1968. This organization brings together "representatives of the people, doctors, teachers, writers, journalists, religious practitioners, students, bourgeois people, officers and servants in the army and the government of the South."
Source: https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li%C3%AAn_minh_c%C3%A1c_L%E1%BB%B1c_l%C6%B0%E1%BB%A3ng_D%C3%A2n_t%E1%BB%99c,_D%C3%A2n_ch%E1%BB%A7_v%C3%A0_H%C3%B2a_b%C3%ACnh_Vi%E1%BB%87t_Nam
Hence this was its political wing, a reference according to the book The Vietnam War from the Other Side, by Ang Cheng Guan (2002), ISBN 0-7007-1615-7, thus refuting the previous thesis by Tomislav Todorovic that this flag had been an erroneous reference: "The repeating erroneous attribution of the flag suggests that all these pages might be actually citing the same source, which still does not necessarily exclude the flag's existence, but it should be attributed to Viet Cong instead of the Alliance of National Democratic and Peaceful Forces of Viet Nam." The Alliance of National, Democratic and Peace Forces of Việt Nam was established as an urban front (hence its appeareance during the Tet Offensive in 1968), which was mainly a military urban campaign, by the Việt Cộng. The group's manifesto called for an independent, non-aligned South Vietnam and stated that "national reunification cannot be achieved overnight." This is mentioned in the book Vietnam: The Politics of Bureaucratic Socialism, by Gareth Porter (1993), ISBN 978-0-8014-2168-6. In June 1969, the Alliance of National, Democratic and Peace Forces of Việt Nam merged with the National Liberation Front to form a "Provisional Revolutionary Government" (PRG).
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viet_Cong
Viet Nam Fatherland Front is composed of main groups as well as many smaller groups, including the Communist Party itself at the forefront. Other groups that participated in the establishment of the Front were the remnants of the Việt Cộng, the Vietnamese General Confederation of Labour, the Vietnamese Pioneer Young Union and the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (a.k.a. the Hồ Chí Minh Youth). It also included the Đảng Dân chủ Việt Nam (English: Democratic Party of Vietnam) (1944-1988) and the Đảng Xã hội Việt Nam (English: Socialist Party of Vietnam) (1946-1988), until they disbanded in 1988. It also incorporated other civil and religious movements, such as the Tây Nguyên (English: Central Highlands People, or Montagnards/Dega), Hội nông dân giải phóng (English: Viet Nam Farmers' Liberation Association), Hội phụ nữ giải phóng (English: Liberation Women's Union), Hội Lục hòa Phật tử (English: Buddhist Association), Hội Liên hiệp thanh niên Giải phóng (English: Youth Union of Liberation), Hội Những người Công giáo kính Chúa yêu nước (English: Patriotic Catholics Society) and Phật giáo Hòa Hảo (English: Hoa Hao Buddhism).
Today almost the same movements that established the United Front currently are part of it with slightly different denominations as follows:
- Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam (English: Communist Party of Viet Nam)
- Tổng Liên đoàn Lao động Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour, VGCL) (official website)
- Đoàn Thanh niên Cộng sản Hồ Chí Minh (English: Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth (Union) (official website)
- Giáo hội Phật giáo Việt Nam (English: Buddhist Sangha of Vietnam) (official website)
- Ủy ban Đoàn kết Công giáo Việt Nam (English: Committee for Solidarity of Vietnamese Catholics) (official website)
- Hội Nông dân Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam Farmers' Association) (official website)
- Hội Liên hiệp Phụ nữ Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam Women's Union) (official website)
- Hội Cựu chiến binh Việt Nam (English: Veterans Association of Viet Nam) (official website)
- Quân đội nhân dân Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam People's Army, QDND) (official website)
- Liên hiệp các Hội Khoa học và Kỹ thuật Việt Nam, VUSTA) (English: Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations) (official website)
- Liên hiệp các Hội Văn học nghệ thuật Việt Nam (English: Arts and Literature Association of Vietnam Union)
- Liên hiệp các tổ chức Hữu nghị Việt Nam, VUFO (English: Union of Friendship Organizations of Vietnam) (official website)
- Hội liên hiệp Thanh niên Việt Nam (English: Youth Union of Viet Nam) (official website)
- Liên minh Hợp tác xã Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam Cooperative Alliance) (official website)
- Phòng thương mại và công nghiệp Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, VCCI) (official website)
- Hội Chữ thập đỏ Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam Red Cross) (official website)
- Hội Luật gia Việt Nam (English: Vietnam Lawyers Association) (official website)
- Hội Nhà báo Việt Nam, VJA (English: Journalists Association of Vietnam) (official websites: http://vja.org.vn/ and http://hoinhabaovietnam.vn/)
- Hội Làm vườn Việt Nam (English: Vietnam Gardeners Association) (official website)
- Hội Người mù Việt Nam (English: Association of the Blind Vietnam) (official website)
- Hội Sinh vật cảnh Việt Nam (English: Vietnamese Decorative Animals Association)
- Hội Đông y Việt Nam (English: Oriental Medicine Association of Vietnam) (official website)
- Tổng hội Y dược học Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam Medical Association) (official website)
- Hội người cao tuổi Việt Nam (English: Association of Vietnamese Elders) (official website)
- Hội Kế hoạch hoá gia đình Việt Nam (English: Family Planning Association of Viet Nam) (official website)
- Hội khuyến học Việt Nam (English: Vietnam Study Encouragement Association) (official website)
- Hội bảo trợ tàn tật và trẻ mồ côi Việt Nam (English: Association in Support of Vietnamese Handicapped and Orphans, ASVHO) (official website)
- Hội châm cứu Việt Nam (English: Acupuncture Society of Vietnam) (official website)
- Tổng hội thánh tin lành Việt Nam or Hội thánh Tin Lành Việt Nam, HTTLVN (Englsih: Congregation of the Protestant Church of Vietnam, Protestant Church of Vietnam) (official website)
- Hội liên lạc với người Việt Nam ở nước ngoài (English: Association with Overseas Vietnamese or Association for Liaison of Overseas Vietnamese, ALOV) (official websites: http://nhipcauquehuong.com/ and http://alov-hcmc.org.vn/)
- Hội khoa học lịch sử Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam History Association) (official website), it is a member of the VUSTA.
- Hội nạn nhân chất độc da cam đioxin Việt Nam (English: Association of Agent Orange victims of Vietnam) (official website)
- Hội mỹ nghệ kim hoàn đá quý Việt Nam (English: Vietnam Jewelers and Jewelery Association, VGJA) (official website)
- Hội cựu giáo chức Việt Nam (English: Association of Former Vietnamese teachers)
- Hội xuất bản in phát hành sách Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam Publishers Association)
- Hội nghề cá Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam Fisheries Association, VINAFIS) (official website)
- Hiệp hội sản xuất kinh doanh của người tàn tật Việt Nam (English: Association of Business and Production of Disabled People in Viet Nam)
- Hội cứu trợ trẻ em tàn tật Việt Nam, CTTETT (English: Association for the Handicapped of Vietnam) (official website)
- Hội y tế cộng đồng Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam Public Health Association, VPHA) (official website)
- Hội cựu thanh niên xung phong Việt Nam, TNXP (English: Association of Young Volunteers) (official website)
- Hiệp hội các trường đại học cao đẳng ngoài công lập Việt Nam (English: Association of Viet Nam Universities and Colleges, AVNUC) (official website)
- Hiệp hội doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises) (official website)
- Hội doanh nghiệp nhỏ và vừa Việt-Đức (English: Association of Small and Medium Enterprises Vietnam-Germany)
- Hiệp hội làng nghề Việt Nam (English: Viet Nam Village Association) (official website)
Today, since the amalgamation of all of the above organizations under this umbrella organization, it is colloquially known as Mặt trận (English: The Front), even though sometimes in modern usage Mặt trận refers to basically the Việt Cộng mostly becuase it spearheaded the armed movement.
Esteban Rivera, 27 February 2018
Sources: https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%E1%BA%B7t_tr%E1%BA%ADn_T%E1%BB%95_qu%E1%BB%91c_Vi%E1%BB%87t_Nam and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnamese_Fatherland_Front
Mặt Trận Tổ Quốc (Việt Nam) does not have a proper flag but it issues award flags.
Esteban Rivera, 27 February 2018
The Emulating Flag can be seen here: http://www.binhthuan.gov.vn/wps/wcm/connect/ed1478804b5476ecab63ebd3bc642259/2/image005.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ed1478804b5476ecab63ebd3bc642259/2. (Source: http://www.binhthuan.gov.vn/wps/portal/binhthuan/chinhquyen/tintuc/!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gfDxcLQ2MDQ09_Xy9XA0f3ED8nswB3Y7MgA_2CbEdFAE5tqDc!/?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/bt_vi/bt_noi_dung/tin_tuc/tin_cq/058b64004b547530ab56ebd3bc642259).
Picture caption reads: "Ủy ban Trung ương Mặt trận Tổ Quốc Việt Nam, UBMTTQVN (English: (Viet Nam) Fatherland Front) awards emulating flag to two leading Units..."
The inscription on the flag is as follows: from top to bottom in four rows:
Ủy ban Trung ương Mặt trận Tổ Quốc Việt Nam (English: Central Committee of the (Viet Nam) Fatherland Front)
Tặng (English: Awarded to)
Đơn vị xuất sắc (English: Excellent Unit
Năm 2015 (English: Year 2015)
Esteban Rivera, 27 February 2018
The Flag of Excellence can be seen here: http://image.baotayninh.vn/fckeditor/upload/2017/20170114/images/mat%20tran.JPG. (Source: http://baotayninh.vn/mat-tran-to-quoc-tinh-tay-ninh-duoc-trung-uong-mat-tran-to-quoc-viet-nam-trao-tang-co-xuat-sac-toan-dien-a82525.html).
Picture caption reads: "Luong Hoai Nhan- Deputy Director of the Southern Front Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee awarded the Flag of Excellence to the Fatherland Front of Tay Ninh Province."
The inscription on any flag could is as follows: from top to bottom in four rows:
Ủy ban Trung ương Mặt trận Tổ Quốc Việt Nam (English: Central Committee of the (Viet Nam) Fatherland Front)
Tặng (English: Awarded to)
Đơn vị xuất sắc toàn diện (English: Excellent Unit of Integrity)
Năm 2016 (English: Year 2016)
From November 15, 1988 to January 20, 1999, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front launched a nationwide competition on the creation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front logo and received 212 samples from 180 authors. Professional and non-professional painters submitted their entries. On the basis of the opinions of the Jury, after soliciting the opinions of the members of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front at its sixth session, the Central Committee took Trần Mai's paintings as the official logo of the Vietnam Fatherland Front. The top and center of the logo highlight the five-pointed golden star on the red flag of Vietnam, combined with the stylized white lotus image depicting the image of the great President Ho Chi Minh. Founding and leading the "Mặt trận Dân tộc Thống nhất Việt Nam" Unification Front of Vietnam (as it is sometimes called) nowadays. The combined lotus flower also symbolizes united political unity of all patriotic Vietnamese. The yellow line is stylized with two branches of rice rising up the words "Mặt trận Tổ quốc" (English: "Fatherland Front"). Underneath is a stylized wheel with the inscription "Việt Nam," symbolizing the working class - the pioneering leader of the revolutionary cause of the Vietnamese people. In order to have the harmonious, balanced and accurate model of the Vietnam Fatherland Front logo, when drawing, to enlarge or zoom in, the following principles should be firmly grasped:
- The diameter of the sample is 125mm, to enlarge to fit the size, area of use, then multiply in proportion. Example: To enlarge the logo 10 times (125mm to 1250mm), the inside details are also multiplied. Or, if zoomed out, the rate would be the opposite.
- Color: The logo has 3 colors.
1. Bright red color (red flag).
2. Yellow fresh color.
3. Dark yellow, stamens of rice (yellow mixed with less red, brown or if the yellow emulsion does not need to phase).
Source: http://tapchimattran.vn/hoi-dap/bieu-trung-mat-tran-to-quoc-viet-nam-5804.html
Here's a construction sheet of the logo: http://static.tapchimattran.vn/zoom/665/Uploaded/admin/2017_02_16/3_IUMM.jpg.
Esteban Rivera, 27 February 2018